
Is Herbal Essence Shampoo Biodegradable?

We all want to use a shampoo that smells awesome and does wonders for our hair, but what does your choice of hair care do to our planet? Is Herbal Essence shampoo biodegradable?

Is Sunlight Dishsoap Biodegradable?

Is Sunlight Dishsoap Biodegradable?

We all use washing up liquid multiple times a day, so what does your choice of soap do for the environment? Is Sunlight dish soap biodegradable?

Is Sawdust Biodegradable?

Is Sawdust Biodegradable?

Have you just finished a couple of carpentry jobs around the home? Then you may wonder is sawdust biodegradable or should I throw it away?

Is the Eraser Biodegradable?

Is the Eraser Biodegradable?

Do you have a couple of erasers knocking around that you don’t know what to do with? Then you might ask yourself, are erasers biodegradable?

Is Wire Biodegradable?

Is Wire Biodegradable?

Let’s talk about the biodegradability of wires and how to get rid of them. 

Is Osmocote Biodegradable?

Is Osmocote Biodegradable?

Do you want to use Osmocote fertilizer but are worried about its biodegradability?

Is Virgin Plastic Biodegradable?

Is Virgin Plastic Biodegradable?

There’s always a lot of news on any new day reminding us how our environment is getting messed up. 

Is Bait Elastic Biodegradable?

Do you have idle bait elastic that you want to get rid of but don’t know where to start?

Is Graphite Biodegradable?

Is Graphite Biodegradable?

In this article, we will talk about why graphite is non-biodegradable. We will also look at other methods through which you can dispose of graphite-laden materials. 

Why Are Plastics Non Biodegradable?

Why Are Plastics Non Biodegradable?

Since polymers have strong chemical bonds and aren’t found too often in nature, they require a lot of energy to make and break.