We all use vegetable oil for cooking and preparing meals, but what effect does this have on our planet? Is vegetable oil biodegradable?
Vegetable oil is biodegradable. It biodegrades thanks to the presence of natural esters in the oil.
But just how long does it take for vegetable oil to biodegrade and how good is it for the environment? You can find out more about this popular kitchen cupboard item coming up next.
How Long Does It Take Vegetable Oil to Biodegrade?
We all use vegetable oil on a regular basis. We use it when cooking, frying, and in general meal preparation.
Since the use of vegetable oil is so popular, many are concerned about how this impacts our environment.
Vegetable oil is biodegradable thanks to the presence of natural esters in the oil. But how long does this biodegradation process take?
70 to 100% of vegetable oil should biodegrade within 28 days. This is the estimated time frame in normal conditions.
To speed up the biodegradation of the vegetable oil make sure you add it in small quantities. Too much oil in one place will slow down the biodegradation process.
Make sure you mix it well with the mulch on your compost pile.
Is Cooking Oil Biodegradable or Non Biodegradable?
Cooking oil is a day-to-day necessity. Since we use so much of it, you may wonder about its environmental impact.
What happens if some cooking oil spills on the ground? Is it biodegradable or not?
Cooking oil is biodegradable. 70 to 100% of this oil should biodegrade in as little as 28 days. But for this to happen, you must not add too much oil to your compost heap.
Too much oil covers your mulch in a water-resistant barrier that is harder to break down.
You should ensure that you add the oil to your compost in very small quantities.
What if you’re not sure whether your cooking oil is biodegradable or not? Here is a list of biodegradable cooking oils:
- Vegetable oil
- Soy oil
- Corn oil
- Sunflower oil
- Coconut oil
- Olive oil
Is There a Biodegradable Oil?
Now, when we think of oil we often think of the disastrous effects our overuse of oil is having on the planet.
When oil spills, our minds go straight to the negative impact this has on our groundwater and also how this affects the natural habitats of wildlife.
But is there good oil out there? Does biodegradable oil exist?
Yes, biodegradable oil does exist. In fact, cooking oil or types of vegetable oil are all biodegradable.
These oils take about 28 days to completely degrade during normal conditions. Here is a list of different biodegradable oils. You likely have one of these sitting in your kitchen cupboard.
- Vegetable oil
- Soy oil
- Corn oil
- Sunflower oil
- Coconut oil
- Olive oil
Why can we conclude that these oils are biodegradable? Well, they are made from natural ingredients and do not have any artificial additives.
Also, thanks to the esters that are present in oil, they break down quickly in the right environment.

Can You Throw Cooking Oil in the Garden?
You’ve just finished using some cooking oil and are now looking for a way to discard it. You don’t want to throw it down your drainage system because it could clog your pipes.
But what about throwing it in the garden? Can you throw cooking oil in your yard?
You can throw cooking oil in the garden as it is a biodegradable product. But there are a couple of things that you should bear in mind before you do so.
Take a look at some of them listed below:
- Discarded cooking oil in the garden could attract pests. Did you use your cooking oil to fry bacon or another type of tasty food? Then your oil could attract pests or vermin to your garden. In this case, it might be best for you to bag your oil and throw it in the garbage.
- Do not throw too much oil in one place. Vegetable oil is biodegradable, but it will only break down when you dispose of it in small quantities. Large amounts of oil will coat your mulch in a waterproof coating. This will stop water and moisture from being able to get to it. These are exactly the things your garden needs to decompose the oil. Make sure you throw it in very small quantities.
- Oil is known to be an effective weed killer. So, if you have some leftover oil, pour it over your dandelions to save you a job at the weekend.
Is Vegetable Oil Good for Plants?
Vegetable oil is made from natural ingredients and doesn’t contain any artificial additives.
But what happens if you pour some of it onto your plants? Is vegetable oil good for plants? It may seem surprising but yes, vegetable oil is good for plants.
Here are a couple of reasons why plants love a little vegetable oil:
- Vegetable oil increases plant growth
- Vegetable oil helps to preserve the moisture in the soil surrounding your plant
- Vegetable oil supplies your plants with nutrients
Although vegetable oil is good for plants, you should take care when feeding your plants oil. Here are a couple of guidelines and best practices to follow:
- Only add a small quantity of oil to your plant’s soil. For every 1 cup of water you give your plant, give it up to 2.5 ml of vegetable oil too.
- Only feed your plant vegetable oil that does not contain any artificial additives
- Add the vegetable oil to the plants by misting. This ensures that the oil does not collect together in one place.
Final Thoughts
We all use vegetable oil on a regular basis. This has many of us thinking about how good it is for the environment. Is vegetable oil biodegradable?
This article has helped us to see that vegetable oil is biodegradable. Once in the soil in the right conditions and quantities, it can decompose within just 28 days.
But if you have a large quantity of oil to dispose of, it is better you bag it up and put it into your home waste bin. This will stop it from spoiling your compost and potentially attracting pests.