A zero-waste lifestyle solves the problem of Waste going on around the world.
The end goal is to achieve zero Waste of personal living.
Zero-waste lifestyle calls for an end to beverage cups, food packaging, and disposable items.
The end goal for some people is to reduce the activity of recycling or to send items to the landfill.
However, the question is, is zero Waste sustainable?
Let’s find out!
Is Zero Waste Eco-friendly?
Yes, zero Waste is eco friendly in many ways:
First off, it helps create a more sustainable shopping habit.
When you’re on zero Waste, shopping becomes less of a priority, but only when needed.
It becomes a conscious activity.
You’ll start realizing that most products are pointless, and you’ll discover simple yet effective alternatives to these products.
For instance, it makes no sense to buy an expensive cleaning product containing toxic ingredients when you can make up time to create a natural one at home.
Baking soda and vinegar are the most important ingredients you’ll need.
Another one is kitchen paper towels. You can simply replace them with a cloth towel that is usable again.
In addition, Consumption in the world is not sustainable.
People log in the forest. Drill oil (which requires energy). My gold and silver. Most products are single-use and they pollute the environment.
Going zero Waste is eco-friendly by reducing pollution while conserving resources.
What Benefit Does Zero-waste Living Contribute To The Environment?
People who practice zero waste living have a love of the environment at heart. Their goal is to sustain and protect the mother earth.
They try to avoid single-use products like chemicals, pollutants, etc.
They buy second-hand products.
Encourages ethical companies. Get involved in politics to stay abreast of the current environmental issues.
Most of them only feed on vegetarian and vegan diets – another way of giving back to the environment.
Many people are confused about whether leaving their old, non-sustainable lifestyle is worth it in the long run.
At the end of the day, Zero Waste is more of an individual impact on sustainability than a societal impact.
Historical events surrounding sustainability have proved that individual decisions can make a big difference.
Plus, our environment gives us the best to give back to nature through zero Waste.
Zero waste individuals strive to ditch all disposable items they’ve used in the past, including clothing, hygiene products, and even foods, into plastic-free, more sustainable options.
Even at that, keep in mind that plastic is not the only environmental culprit.
Global warming, pollution, poaching, etc. – are all global enemies of nature.
The concern is, ‘what difference can you make when 7.5 billion people share contrary opinions?’
Can Zero Waste Living Limit Global Thrash?
Not using plastics and other non-degradable times can contribute to a drastic reduction in the amount of global Waste in landfills.
Landfills are a bad rap to the earth and the environment they fill up.
Because toxic substances from Waste can equally escape into the soil, disrupting the delicate cycle of groundwater.
Or even contaminate the water table.
According to research estimates, over 70% of items disposed of at landfills in the U.S are either recyclable or recoverable.
By trying to cut down on using these items, reusing, or even recycling them, we could be significantly reducing global garbage.
What Is The Impact Of Zero Waste Living On Climate Change?
Most people on zero Waste try to avoid driving.
They opt for public transport, board a bike, or even walk (for trackable distance). They rarely drive!
Of course, this lifestyle can be demanding for most of us, but it’s not achievable.
Because of the outrageously negative effect greenhouse continues on the atmosphere, reducing this gas will be a step ahead toward sustainability.
Vegans and vegetarians help reduce greenhouse emissions because of their “no meat” diet.
Livestock also contributes to greenhouse emissions when they release methane into the atmosphere.
Because we consume more meat, more cows are reared.
Reducing the number of meat automatically means fewer cows which ultimately reduces global warming.
How Politics Impacts zero Waste
Currently, our consumer culture is purely unsustainable.
We’re aggressively extracting raw materials and investing a lot of energy into these.
And unfortunately, a large number of our energy sources, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas, all contribute to the atmospheric, water, and ground pollutants.
Because the government and even the elites tap wealth from this unsustainable product and systems, there’s zero assurance that things might change soon.
Most companies and organizations rely on these products for operation, and they’re already regulated before sustainability became a concern.
So because of this, practicing zero Waste will require having solid knowledge of necessary policies.
Apart from personal practices, involvement in fixing the errors in the global waste practice can go a long way.
Involvement in voting and social practices that combat this non-sustainable approach is a laudable way of living a zero-waste lifestyle.
Bottom Line: Is Zero Waste A Waste Of Time?
Although living zero Waste contributes to the environment in many ways, many people believe that the sustainable action of a “chosen few” won’t make a visible impact on the long-term destruction already done to the earth on the ground of ‘civilization.’
Others think that the deed is done already, and there’s no going back on the damage invoked on the environment.
From a realistic standpoint, we cannot agree with these opinions.
Because, as long as many people keep striving to maintain zero Waste, coupled with an awareness of environmentalism, there might be a way.
If there’s anything the previous years have taught us, it’s that a society that creates a breathing space for nature is a society that thrives.
By disrupting the activities of nature and the ecosystem through our bad waste attitude, we all equally create danger for every habitat of nature, including for us!